trademark attorney

(480) 360-3499

What Do the ™ and ® Trademark Symbols Mean?

TM Symbol

You probably see a trademark used in combination with the ™ or ® trademark symbols almost every day.  But most people do not know what these symbols mean or signify, even if they have a business that uses them!  In this post, I want to explain what these trademark symbols mean and how you should … Read more

Trademark Rights: Common Law vs. Registration

Trademark Rights

The purpose of trademark law is to protect branding and to prevent consumer confusion as to the source of products and services.  If you own a business, you most likely already have trademark rights, regardless of whether you have registered your trademark with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.  This may come as a surprise … Read more

What Are Trademarks? Why Are They Important?


The most common question about trademarks is probably also the most basic: what are they?  The “impress your friends” answer to that question is that trademarks are typically a word (or words), phrase, logo, or symbol used in connection with the advertisement or sale of goods or services, and acts as an indicator of the source of those goods … Read more

What Is “Use In Commerce” of My Trademark?

Use In Commerce

Trademark rights in the United States are primarily based on use of the trademark.  To establish trademark rights, you generally have to have “use in commerce” of your trademark with products and/or services.  Once use is established, you can acquire common law trademark rights.  However, these rights are relatively limited.  Through federal trademark registration with the … Read more

Contact Kevin

P.O. Box 94208
Phoenix, AZ 85070

(480) 360-3499

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